
Summer Recital 2017

Sunday, April 30, 2017 by Jogdeo, Nakul | Recitals

The fourth public recital of GSM took place on Sunday, 30th April 2017 at Mazda Hall, Pune

27 Students performed in the recital and 10 students were given awards for their progress in the year 2015-16

Hetal Gandhi

PRESTO AWARDS - Ranks 2 & 3
Hrishikesh Joshi
Aryana Jayswal

VIVACE AWARDS - Ranks 4 to 6
Saniya Mohile
Vishwesh Majali
Somnath Jawale

ALLEGRO AWARDS - Ranks 7 to 10
Abhijit Ranade
Ishaan Kulkarni
Rahul Somni
Prajakta Punde

Congratulations to all the performers and achievers! GSM is proud of you! Bravo!!